Viral Pro (Youtube Player) 3.9.2 Cracked APK latest free download
Viral is an innovative video player that has many features .
those of you who like to multi-task, it allows you to pop-out and float
your videos above any other app, so you can watch a video and send text
messages, emails or just browse the Internet. If your device is
powerful enough, you can even view multiple floating videos!
can also choose to visualize your videos in fullscreen mode or minimize
the playing video to the notification tray so you can listen to the
audio in the background – great for listening music or podcasts from
YouTube while you're on the run!
Viral Pro (Youtube Player) 3.9.2 Cracked APK latest Features
- Support ChromeCast from any stream video .
- Connect to your YouTube account (access to Watch Later, My Uploads, Playlists…)
- Resizable Pop-up player, which can also play local videos from your video gallery
- Multiple Pop-up player at same time.
- Minimize to notification bar and play in the background
- Change video resolutions from 144p up to 720p
- Tab sliding interface for easy navigation (change brightness and volume directly by swiping on the video)
- ad-free
- Highly customizable interface with lots of settings and options, and more…!
How Install & Use Viral Pro (Youtube Player) 3.9.2 Cracked APK
- Download the given .apk
- Install normally.
- Done... by
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My Sweet Reader Comments are always appreciated; feel happy to help others; if you feel any problem regarding installation, customization or any other problem, inform us. Cheers to